Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Real stories

Paige's Story

Paige was diagnosed as a classic galactosemic at 7 days. Her drama started before she left the hospital. She simply wouldn’t drink from a bottle, she would gag everytime the bottle was put in her mouth so she had a feeding tube inserted...

Jonah's Story

My husband graduated with his MPA and began his career-changing job search, we put our house on the market and Jonah was born. To say our life was busy is an understatement. The day I returned from the hospital, our pediatrician called...

Grant's Story

Our second son, Grant, was born without complications. He was 3x smaller then our first baby and slept CONSTANTLY.  At first, we thought this was a blessing...

To read these full articles visit:

To read a more in depth story of a boy with galactosemia visit:

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